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I ♥ London

In Uncategorized on September 16, 2010 at 5:02 PM

It’s a brave designer who messes with Harry Beck’s iconic London Underground tube map but I’m loving these new maps right now. I garnered this link from the recent Four Great Infographics No.9 post from the brilliant Information is Beautiful. It’s to Zero By Zero, a South Korean design agency with a VERY sweet, fresh, crystal-clear looking website and some awesome ‘re-mixes’ of well-known city rail and tube transport maps – London, NYC, Tokyo and more. The traditional London Underground map is the perfect souvenir of your time living in that great city because it changes all the time. My 2002 version is so different to what it is now and to my cousin’s from six years before mine. Would looooooove to have my map and the redesigned Zero By Zero one hanging together.

(And the New York one below. Big lolz! I need to get this one as well).



ps. If you forgot to buy one of the London Tube maps from the city itself (like I forgot to), you can still order one online from the London Transport Museum for a STEAL at only 9.95quid. This is what I did and it’s crazy cheap and worth it!

pps. I can’t find any better reference to Harry Beck’s amazingly iconic tube map design than wikipedia! Weird. Not even with the Design Museum of London. If anyone has a better link, let me know please.

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