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Archive for 2011|Yearly archive page


In Uncategorized on March 3, 2011 at 11:12 PM


Optimism poster from the fantastic Because Studio, via The September Industry

Well well. And so it is March. Actually, it is March 2011! And this blog has been on hiatus for, oh….about three months now! Eek. So sorry. Movement and happenings are coming VERY soon and something will be happening anon. I have been thinking about my next step non-stop but…it’s still all been a bit vague as to what exactly that should be. Beyond the most obvious conclusion that a blog is not really that useful or interesting as simply a blog in and of itself. In needs to be a vehicle for something else. I’m just not sure what.

To get all this happening, I have actually booked in to do some (a lot of, hopefully!)  creative business coaching with the fabulous Ming-Zhu Hii of Orlando&Ivy and The Public Studio. I am honoured to know Ming-Zhu personally but don’t think that’s why I chose her excellent coaching services (although, it is also why I did;) ). I chose her because, after talking to a bunch of people over the years to figure out just exactly where and how I could hone my skills and my likes, I realised that she is the only person who actually really GETS it. You know? GETS it. As in, she has similar views on the world (it’s awesome!) and thinks pretty similarly to me (anything is possible!!!). She is also UBER positive (which is so cool) and one of the hardest workers I know. She not only sees what she wants for her future, but actually then goes out there and jumps for it too. She is, in all, an insanely inspiring person to be around and so I thought, who better to coach me in my next steps of creativity and business than her. If you ever think you would appreciate a very experienced, knowledgable, creative and COOL sounding board to help you hone your art AND give you the tips on how to actually achieve that, I say go here and talk to Ming. I guarantee you things will start to happen.

ps. I was also honoured enough to get a spot on the Life & Your Phenomenal Creative Practice course and I can tells ya, it was worth it. These things are always good to take part in, for your art, for your mind, for you soul, for your creativity. This one though was so good – structured yet informal (erm, we all had champagne on our last night to celebrate!) with loads of great tips and info on helping you pinpoint your art and honing that into a practice. To top it all off, the people you meet on the courses are great too (including Ming-Zhu and her husband and business partner Nic), in exactly the same place as you mentally and creatively – ie uber open-minded and positive – and everyone has boundless energy to give. What better people to be around than that;) Tell her that I sent you!

pps. Continue to check out White Ninja on facebook while this blog is on hiatus. It’s a link bonanza going on over there. Click to Like…