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Archive for September 23rd, 2010|Daily archive page


In Uncategorized on September 23, 2010 at 11:00 PM

So excited. LOVE Cryptograms. Can’t wait to see (hear) what this one is like. Apparently they announced the new album by getting fans to print out the poster and place it where the “unsuspecting public” would see it. Genius. Love the total mix of viral, guerilla, ambient and budget (shyeah! Grunge) marketing. Via the net. Love when all worlds collide to create awesomeness.

(cheers to The Perfect Five for the info. If you don’t know this blog, check it out. Awesomely curated playlist of five songs every week – the perfect hyped, covered, classic, remixed and loved).

I know I know I know!

In Uncategorized on September 23, 2010 at 4:37 PM

Sneaky post (work/study/lyf rule means I’m not supposed to be on here again this arvo) but…oh my god I just had a revelation! And I have to post Tracey Emin links to illustrate that! Why? Because Tracey Emin is a GODDESS and all her art is raw, self-revelatory, truthful at a most basic human emotional level, and GOOD. And that is how revelations generally feel. Tracey says things so simply yet somehow, no one ever seems to have spoken it like her before. Which is of course what good art – and revelation – is. We can all walk through a gallery thinking “yeah well I could have done that” but did we? Nope. Which means for that one idea, we’re not the artist that that artist is for thinking it, and doing it, and doing it first. Same regarding revelations (when they finally dawn on us). Tracey definitely exemplifies this. It’s why she is inspiring and why she is a goddess.

Revelation? I realised how I can get a summer design job or internship without giving up my day job! Would LOVE to give up my day job to follow my passion (design) but I gotta work up my skills first and as yet, that fabulous trust fund from a mysterious Scottish relative has not come through so rent and bills (and dentist and healthcare and food and clothes and…) are my full responsibility. But……I finally came up with a solution to this quandary which I’ve been stressing about for…oh, about 9 months now! And with it, maybe I CAN get my foot in the design industry door sooner than I think!!! Love when the brain comes up with a solution (finally!).

What is my actual plan? Well, let me get cracking on it a bit first. More detalios soon I promise;)

does anyone remember the guy who tried to call back???

In Uncategorized on September 23, 2010 at 11:01 AM

HAHA. Loving this. Reminds me of something which I’m not allowed to talk about ever ever (all participants in the 1980s Miami Vice party of 2005 need to take note of my allegiance and secrecy here).

(Thank you Lost At E Minor. Real Crank Texts site here)

l’amour fou

In Uncategorized on September 23, 2010 at 12:18 AM

The Winged Victory of Samothrace at the Louvre in Paris

I’ve not seen this statue in the flesh (or stone) yet but I’ve always thought it’s the most beautiful thing ever. Sculpture in general takes my breath away. Contemporary sculpture for the conceptual explorations but classical? All the time for the sheer genius, especially when they look like this. How do these artists make stone look like cloth casually draped over a leg as if it’s just been moved there by the wind? The poetry of movement is always an amazing thing to see done well – think of watching a top athlete run or a horse streaming across a landscape in full gallop. The poetry of movement in static art is possibly even more amazing though. To create movement from solid objects which aren’t actually shifting in front of you, simply through the use of colour or balance, texture or clever composition? This is genius.

For me this statue exemplifies all of these things and somehow really carries with it the strength of hope, victory and power. It reminds me of how you feel when you finally figure out something about the world and how, in light of that, nothing can hold you back. How the power, hope and knowledge of that really does make you realise you will take over the world; how it makes you taste Victory. And that’s where this statue in particular really blows my mind. It doesn’t even have a face to convey all these feelings. Just stone and the savvy, breathtaking, inspired use of it to depict cloth casually draped over a leg as if it’s just been moved there by the wind.

(click on the pix or here for the links to the Louvre’s page on The Winged Victory of Samothrace)